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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will my insurance cover the cost of therapy?
    Therapy provided by a Registered Provisional Psychologist is generally covered by insurance. Coverage does vary by provider and plan. Check with your insurance carrier. Examine your coverage closely to answering the following questions: · What are my mental health benefits? · What is the maximum coverage per therapy session? · Is there a limit to the number of sessions that my plan covers in a year? · Can I draw from a health spending account? Good therapy can make a huge difference in your life. You are worth it.
  • As a therapist, can you bring personal experience to marriage and parenting issues?
    Yes, I was raised in a home marked by divorce, alcoholism and mental illness. I have been married (for over 30 years) and have two grown sons and a dog. We faced many issues as family and these are largely what motivated me to become a psychologist. For most of us, life is messy, but it can be beautiful mess.
  • Are you a Christian and do I have to be to appreciate your approach?
    I am a Christian and my faith does inform my moral and ethical approach to life. I am however, trained in a clinical model rather than a pastoral model. I respect each client’s spiritual journey and I am happy to incorporate spirituality into therapy if a client desires it. Good science informed by spiritual insight is a beautiful thing and I think I bring the two together very well. It was how I approached my seminary education. In addition to psychology, I did a graduate degree in theology, focusing on world religion. I am also involved in a multi-faith social justice group where I have developed some very dear friends of other faiths. I believe God can be found in many places, where love and human kindness is cultivated.

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